Tony subawanto

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Lesson Materials for Conversation in The Class

Lesson Materials for Conversation in The Class

#Tantangan hari ke-380

#Rabu, 24 April 2024


Part 12

Topic: "Organised crime"

Is there a powerful crime organisation in your country? What is it called and what kinds of activity is it involved in? Does it have any influence in government? Why is organised crime so powerful in some countries and not in others?


1. Work in two groups, A and B.

Group A, you are the leaders of the main global crime organisations. Brainstorm ideas to improve your power and profit.

2. Group B, you are the leaders of the police forces of the most powerful countries. Brainstorm ideas to help reduce the power of organised crime.

Compare ideas as a class with students in Group A taking it in turns to call out one of their ideas for students in Group B to try and counteract, e.g.

A - We're going to smuggle more into the country through the ports.

B - Well, we've decided to increase security and the number of random checks at all ports.

Have a nice talks!

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