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Back to my homeland, it's not easy. Not because I didn't have time or money, but it recalled my memories about her.She's pretty, yes. She's beautiful, of course. But above all, she's different!She's Chinese. I was Javanese. Was it a problem? Absolutely!She loved me since she was sixteen. I was myself twenty. She loved me with her puppy love. She never let me looking at another girl. She would act tenderly to me in front of other girls, showing to the world that I belonged to her. Strange, beauty, but fully loving. That's it. I loved her as much as she did.However, nothing was easy with such a big different. Her parents got difforced and she lived with her grandmother. Her mother and her older sister did not agree with our relationship. Her grandmother, because of her big love to her grand daughter, agreed with whatever she chose.So, the love story went secretly, a backstreet romance. Something I did not like it. But I should do cause she asked me to. But I felt that a hidden love would not be last long.There would be the time to tell everything if it came, she said. Well, for her I did everything she asked for.And the time really came. It was when she just graduated from high school.Her older sister, who bore her living expense and school fees, cause her parents busily took care of their newly families, finally knew our relationship. She threatened her to leave me or she would suspend all financial aid. Surprisingly, she chose me and it made her sister got mad and finally left her.Since then her sister stop bearing her living expense. Fortunately, she graduated from her school and got a bank job as a teller.So, we prepared to get married and trying to get a lisence from court and civil registration because her parent would not give us permission to get married.Someday afternoon, her mother suddenly came and threatened her to leave me or she would hire an assassin to kill me. She were terrified and cried loudly. Her mother, helped by her private car driver, took her into the car and drove away. I could not help her cause her mother body guard pushed me to the ground.Since then I'd never heard about her. I tried to find her but she disappeared. I waited and waited for a long time. Now, I still hear her crying that she loved me echoing along the street.And now I still seeing her tears flowing from her eyes.

Forbidden love will never succed if one is surrendered. That's it.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Amazing Mr. Widi Respati. She's pretty, she's beautiful, but above all, she's different !. It's sad true love story. I am really sad when read it. Congratulation on your succes Mr. Widi Respati.

17 Nov

Thanks Mbak Ayu, your sympathy strengthens me. God bless you.

19 Nov


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